48: A Leader’s Awakening – Melina Cordero

Brian Aquart welcomes Melina Cordero, Founder of Melina Cordero Consulting, who shares her journey of leaving the corporate real estate and building her own platform.

Melina offers valuable advice for those contemplating leaving their jobs. Firstly, she recommends connecting with people who have successfully quit their jobs and listening to their stories, which can inspire others to realize that change is possible. Secondly, she emphasizes the importance of rest and finding fulfillment as the antidote to burnout. Making time for activities that bring happiness and joy is vital in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Melina introduces the concept of “joy dots,” small moments of joy throughout the day that can significantly increase overall happiness.

During the episode, Melina delves into her experiences with diversity initiatives within the workplace. She shares her frustration with being assigned to various diversity committees and responsibilities, including finding candidates for awards and contributing to diversity efforts. As a woman of color, she highlights the false assumption that women and people of color automatically qualify for diversity work, often resulting in unpaid extra responsibilities that can hinder career progress.

Melina’s experiences resonate with many women, who share similar dissatisfaction with the workplace and the status quo. The Women in the Workplace study confirms that progress regarding gender and race diversity has been slow and inadequate. The report suggests that employees from underrepresented groups are feeling empowered to exercise their options and break ties with organizations that fail to prioritize diversity and inclusion.

The episode highlights the evolving labor market and economy, which provide individuals with more choices, making it crucial for companies to adapt and not continue with business as usual. Melina shares her personal relief when the pandemic canceled all her travel and conferences, realizing that she was actually happier without the constant hustle and bustle. The shift from constant travel and meetings to being at home allowed her to reevaluate her priorities and find clarity in building her own business.

Whether you’re contemplating leaving your job, navigating diversity initiatives, or seeking inspiration for positive change, this episode offers valuable insights from an accomplished professional who took the leap and never looked back.


Stay connected with Melina

Website: Melina Cordero


Uncomfortable Questions Newsletter

Article: https://www.businessinsider.com/mckinsey-women-leaders-executives-quit-in-high-numbers-in-2021-2022-10

Lean In: https://leanin.org/women-in-the-workplace#

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